Friday, June 06, 2008

Culling the Weak and Weary

I have a thought. I think that if you know you are not good at something and decide it willingly, giving up the possible drunken bar talk explaining how "you’d be better at basketball if you ever had anyone good to play with" - - I think it will free up more time for actually being good at things.
I am not a good singer. I have recently discovered Foy Vance, who IS a great singer. On YouTube there is a clip of him covering Crosstown Traffic from Jimi Hendrix. A friend of mine knows how to make YouTube clips into audio cds and this morning on the way to the gym I sang as hard as I could only to decide once and for all, without equivocation, that I can’t sing like that.
I am not a good basketball player. I am short, white, scared of big people and I dribble the ball off of my toes.
Ruling out some of life’s activities like this, I’m hoping, will help me to better catalogue the things that I DO EXCEL at and thusly have people pay me to do them. I am writing all day every day now it seems and I sometimes lose the certainty that I can even do that. So to get my swing back, to get my mojo a pumping, I’m crossing off some things I can’t do in order to bolster that which I can.

1. Counted cross stitch
2. Spreadsheets
3. Chemistry
4. Power-lifting
5. BoxAerobics
6. Structural Engineering
7. Singing
8. Auto repair
9. Basketball
10. Paying attention to Nascar.


Blogger Andy8097 said...

Ah, but you do know how to put words the in correct order.

6/07/2008 6:12 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Not singing as well as Foy Vance does not mean you cant sing. Duchamp's 'nude descending a staircase' is no Seurat 'A Sunday Morning...' But he still gets his art on. Unless your singing is like signing a urinal.

6/07/2008 7:27 PM  
Blogger Shua said...

Those are all good things to suck at. Good job sucking at sucky things. Now you can say you’re good at sucking at things that suck.

Also… you shouldn’t write in all caps “I DO EXCEL” in the same blog in which you indicate your lack of spreadsheet prowess. Some poor schmuck is going to be searching for Excel help and Google “how do I DO EXCEL” and he’ll get your blog which clearly is the worst place he could possibly be for spreadsheet assistance.

All schmucks please click here for re-direction…

12/02/2008 11:14 AM  

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