So Thirsty...
I think that filling the Windex bottle with a matching color of Gatorade is funny. I think it is funny when someone uses that Windex to clean something and succeeds in only making it sticky and worse. Nothing doesn’t-clean-up streaky windows like blue sugar water.

I also think it would be quite funny if you planned this ahead, making sure to mark the bottle where the Gatorade resides and come home from a particularly taxing day of physical activity - tennis, hair dressing, throwing batteries, what-have-you - - and in full view of your teammate/life partner/roommate/priest you dig beneath the sink saying something like: "I’ve never been this thirsty in my life. Jesus! (Sorry Father) how come we don’t have anything to drink in here?"
And then you would upend the bottle of Windex, chugging with all intent and speed as though you’d been deserted for years and your insides were a streaky, greasy, caked-on mess. Look at the advertising that both products use, they almost WANT you to mess with your friends. All those bright colors and in bottles lined up like little rainbow colored joke-soldiers. . .

What do you mean I haven’t slept in a while? Shut up you when you’re talking to me.
How do you think of these things? BTW...are you coming to the reunion?
Another brilliant suggestion. I think I will try it this weekend. You really do need to get a couple minutes sleep.
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