Thursday, February 28, 2008

I'm 28. I have a beard.

Five things to talk about that there's no way we've already talked about (or if we have talked about them it's possible that we haven't talked about them enough):

1. I have decided to start a cheesemaking company if for no other reason than the t-shirt marketing capabilities. I have already designed my logo and my slogan: "Oh yeah, that's good!" If anyone would like to see either the logo or the first design, please send an email request to so that I may keep my intellectual property from the public domain.

2. I have also decided to teach myself how to make cheese. I realize that the above declaration would insinuate that I planned on making cheese - but really, that announcement is about me making a cheese company. I would also like to have the cheese that a cheese company produces.

3. I have once again moved everything I own to another location where it (everything I own) remains wrapped haphazardly in trash bags and suitcases until I have the time to sort it out. This new place Krissy and I have landed has two bedrooms and a flight of stairs and also two covered parking spots. The stairs have carpet. Sure the kitchen is the size of the inside of a hearse, but the living room is big enough to support any cheese-making endeavors I may have.

4. I have begun solidifying my plans to take the summer off. The financial scramble is on. I have many exciting things I'd like to accomplish over the summer months and contact 3rd degree burns from my stick shift is not one of them. Last year the Phoenix area set a record for days in a row of 100 plus temperatures. It was over a hundred for over a hundred straight days. Not this boy, I'm hitting the road (jack or jill, whoever is reading.)

5. I have become a 28 year old person. This happened in early February (thank you for the caffeine charge card AndyE and Mrs Andy E). On my list of things to do by the time I turned 28 I have completed 1) Grow a convincing beard but not 2) Acquire a profitable publishing contract. There are several others, please don't think my aspirations are limited to money and whiskers. I've got twelve months to put this together and I'll be damned it the publishing contract doesn't turn out as well as this gorgeous beard did. . . you know?


Blogger Andy8097 said...

Another excellent post. Don't forget to send us the new address.
Ah, cheese. Get the company started, it will be good to know someone in the industry. AFter all, cheese is number three of the four main food groups. Right behind Single-Malt Scotch, Chocolate, and just ahead of popcorn!
Will it be made from cow's milk, goat milk, llama milk, water buffalo milk, or milk from that furry little bug from Bolivia everybody has on YouTube. That would be a niche market.
I wish we had some good cheese tonight. It is the perfect night, we have about 14 inches of snow on the ground and today's high is somewhere in the low 20's. So we will have to make do with blankets, hot chocolate, and popcorn tonight!

3/01/2008 8:41 AM  
Blogger Andy8097 said...

Once again it is snowing here in NE Ohio. Not just snowing, but SNOWING! We have 6 inches on the ground between noon and 6pm. One happy little weatherperson just predicted we can end up with 14 to 16 inches by the time this ends Saturday night. See what you are missing.
Snapp, I still read your blog.

3/07/2008 3:29 PM  
Blogger Shua said...

Dude... not sure b/c I only remember historic things in intervals of less than 72 hours or more than 8 years... but I think I may have missed your 28th birthday... I am sending a fabulous Ecard right now!!!

12/02/2008 8:05 AM  

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