Thursday, March 20, 2008

Roosters, Cows and Coyotes

The Rooster version is done. The Cow version is done. The Coyote Version is done. . .
I still haven't made any cheese.
The heat is popping up and dropping back, which is nice. The orange blossoms are strong enough to make me sneeze and well up with that springtime pride, eyes watery and red, so happy to be alive that I nearly yell: Yahoo! Though it comes out Atchoo...
Life meanders on out here in the desert. I'm still setting my hopes for a summertime of blissful unemployment, sipping mint julips at the racetrack and typing my memoirs on an old punch-and-ring typewriter. Or a laptop, a ripe malbec and a cabin in the woods. Ah summer. But Spring lays in my way like an impediment. My thoughts as scattered as the dried dust, my wishes lay poolside and my motivation to prepare for the legwork of summer drowns in the pools four-foot-deep-end.
I might not be motivated all the time, but when I am... I know how to get out of it.
And so, I present, another t-shirt design for my cheese company that doesn't make cheese.


Blogger Andy8097 said...

I love the design, I want the shirt. It's perfect! A cheese company that doesn't make cheese but has kick ass T-Shirts. Nobody will know what Yahimake (I don't even know what it means)is but they'll see it's from Hawaii and figure it is some kind of gourmet cheese and want it. By ripe malbec I assume you mean the grape and not that cute little restaurant in Stratford-on-Avon (or is it -upon- )

3/22/2008 8:05 AM  
Blogger elisa said...

I love the name!!!!

3/26/2008 1:14 PM  
Blogger Andy8097 said...

Ok, I promise to read all your posts out loud from now on.

3/31/2008 4:30 PM  

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