Zero Balance, High Credit Score
Two nice things to see when you're performing a little routine maintenance on your financial affairs. Account balance on your credit card is 0.00 and your credit score is the highest it has ever been at 715. I almost feel like shopping. I have been wracked with hay fever lately and am thoroughly enjoying it. I feel like I am allowing the parts of my body that produce mucus to think outside the box a little - produce as much as they want and as many varieties as they can introduce. They're loving it down there, those wild little workers.
I have two definite stops on my workless tour this summer. My presence has been requested at a wedding gathering in August and at a house on Lake Keuka in New York the week before. I will be honoring both requests and as soon as the lovely people at BreadLoaf writing conference extend an invitation my way I will be honoring it as well. . .
In other news, Issue #2 of Cadillac Cicatrix has finally hit the print world. You can order it at the following link Issue #2 contains my piece NAVONA ~ for my father which is a quick and quiet little story about coffee. If you don't want to have the paper copy to add to your bookshelves, it is available to peruse online. If you don't want to peruse it online, simply send a request to this blogsite and I will write CliffNotes for you. As the piece itself is only four or five pages long, the notes will be two paragraphs, something no one can pass up.
I'm at 682 but I owe a lot of money to a lot of peopleā¦ one of which is Italian. Looking forward to becoming a Cadillac Cicatrix subscriber on Friday (payday).
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