Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Hiatus Extension

I write today, quickly, to announce what has likely become a very obvious hiatus. It is not that I don't feel the love from the world of blogging, because I do. I enjoy seeing the little counter on the bottom of the page rise even without me checking it daily. Twice.

This hiatus comes at a time during the year when, to the best of my knowledge, literary publications and collegiate quarterlies are "reading" - - an important thing for them to do as I have hopefully spent a good portion of my time "writing" something for them to "read."

I call this submission season.

And like any other season, there is an off-season where one lifts weights or runs wind-sprints. If you've been a fan of this blog you'll know that I've spent my off season (and most of last season) hibernating and eating. In this vein I have accomplished very little and proven only that I am more evolved than a grizzly bear and that I haven't written anything "literary" in quite some time.

I have also landed a quiet little freelance gig for a budding filmmaker in Los Angeles. The project money on this will pay a few bills and take a couple days of my time and, as with anything, give valuable experience and perhaps at some point a writing credit or two.

So if something dire or wild changes in my life, ie the temperature in Scottsdale dropping below 713 Fahrenheit or someone with a brain realizing that my book proposal on "How To Play Really Bad Golf and Enjoy It" is a winner - - I'll be right back here to let you know about it. I'd hate to REALLY tell you how exciting it's been working and working and working over here, hiding indoors from the chaotic sunlight and heat.

For now the plans have Las Vegas being the winner of the Krissy and Snapp sweepstakes for desirable living arrangements. (Yes, I fully realize that their desert supports temperatures into the 700s). The nice things that I look forward to about Vegas are as follows.

1. Accessability: the airport has airplanes that fly bargain seeking relatives and friends into my new backyard, and vice versa.

2. Industry: People spend money on food in Vegas. I'll take some of that.

3. Shitty House Market: Fine, I'll reap the benefits of someone's hopes and dreams dropping out from beneath them. . . it sounded good to buy a house for that much and wait for it to go up - - too bad it went down. Here's 1200 a month in rent for a four-bedroom with a palatial garage, sorry about your mortgages.

So rest easy, my faithful readers. I'll be back.


Blogger AndyE said...

Good to hear from you again. So Las Vegas is the homestead winner. At least the weather is predictable. We will soon see your name flash by on the credits for a mega-million box office smash? Get ready Snap, here comes the big-time.

8/21/2007 3:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am moving to New Orleans to be a rock and roll legend.

I will also try to check your blog twice daily.

8/21/2007 9:45 AM  
Blogger AndyE said...

You're really serious about this hiatus thing, aren't you?

8/27/2007 3:21 PM  
Blogger AndyE said...

OK, here it is more than 30 days since you took a 'hiatus' and we are tired of it. Now that you work there (long distancely speaking)we want to know what is Hollywood like? Are the streets really paved in gold?

9/21/2007 4:53 PM  

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