I have two extra announcements. I have learned a new word:
tatterdemalion \tat-uhr-dih-MAYL-yuhn; -MAY-lee-uhn\, noun, adj:
1. A person dressed in tattered or ragged clothing; a ragamuffin.

I have two extra announcements. I have learned a new word:
It's always good to learn a new word, especially one as useful as tatterdemalion. Are you sure it means tattered clothing, because it sounds like what you call a dandelion after the lawn mower hits it. But then I guess that will tatter it.
Sewing is a necessary skill for men. You can replace buttons. This was even a more critical skill when trousers had buttons instead of zippers! Hey, maybe this is something you can work into your novena/novella...Army and Marine utilities (the camo war suits) have buttons instead of a zipper in the fly. Think about it.
Excellent! I am sending you a shirt which needs mending as I have received recent comments regarding my tatterdemalion appearance in the office.
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