Carve This Plastic Table Please
The time change continues to confuse even the most experienced napping schedule. At the time of this writing, 6:15pm, I am ready for my mid-morning nap instead of my mid-evening nap. For this reason, I am hungry for lunch despite the fact that it is almost dinner time. Furthermore, having quit my job and beginning to realize that I will be out of work for six straight weeks, my mind still kicks out three minutes of negative thought knowing that after my mid-afternoon nap I will have to wake up, shave my face and go to work.
So I sit here and don't know whether I'm supposed to be hungry, tired, happy that I don't have to work today or sad that I'm not taking a nap.
Instead of this continued worry, a note about Amish. While eating in a little local bar and grille (I like the added e on grille, it makes me feel like there will be extra fries involved for some reason) we watched a parade of Amish women carrying different products from a second-hand store to an open truck. The truck was not attached to a horse, as I thought it was supposed to be, nor was the PlaySkool mini-table hand-carved or made from local poplars by hand.

I'm not an idiot. I'm not naive. It's 2007. This is a 21st century Amish, a different brand of purists, perhaps. A separate-by-desire kind of lifestyle is what they're looking for, and sometimes sure one of them needs a taxi cab or a refrigerator that runs on kerosene from a company somewhere that makes refrigerators that run on kerosene - - but I thought these once-in-a-while societal dependencies wouldn't be breached for something like a plastic table.
Life continued on and brought me, by way of adorable local tour guide and her father, to the high school of Akron/Tallmadge's favorite son: LeBron James. And honestly, when I saw the school from the window of the mini-van we were riding in, I can say that it DID look like someplace where a now-famous basketball player might attend school. I didn't see any basketball courts on the premises; a thought that only seems ironic now.
I leave you with that as it is either nap time or eating time and I don't want to be late for either.
Grill(e)s with extra "e's" also sometimes have good Panini’s.
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